Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well, as I said on Saturday I did workout 2 - Kettelbell Complex - on Sunday. Man alive! It was tough but SO much fun!

Unfortunately, I don't have access to any kettlebells but all the exercises can be done with dumbbells so that's what I did and do I know about it today!

There was a 5-move circuit which we had to repeat 6 times with only a 45 second rest at the end of each circuit followed by 6 sets of swings and skipping, followed by an ab workout! I was totally exhausted by the end but as happy as a happy thing that's really happy! (Or maybe it was just hysteria?).

Today, however, is another story! I have all sorts of little sore/hot spots all over me - particularly my inner thighs - going up and down stairs is quite an interesting experience......

I spent yesterday and today stetching - one stretching session (more if possible) a week is a requirement of the Storm Force Challenge - and I really needed it.

Workout 3 - made up of 2 delightfully named sessions: Pulse Pyramid Mk 1 and Panic Room Mk 1 - is planned for tomorrow and, strange as it may sound, I'm really rather looking forward to it!
I'll be back (if I'm still standing) to tell you all about it!

Until then.....

P.S. Don't forget to let me know how you're getting on with your S.M.A.R.T. goals and the circuit.

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