Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Weight: 11st 7lb
Waist: 31.25"
Hips: 42.5"

I'm putting these gains down to "the time of the month" as I've been training hard and watching my diet.

Hi Gang!

Sorry to have been away for so long - life kind of got in the way! However, you'll be pleased to know that I've not been skipping any of my Storm Force Challenge workouts.

As you can see from the above measurements and photos nothing's really happening as yet, however, the way the Storm Force Challenge has been devised is that the first 4 weeks are geared to getting you started and building up a base level of fitness and from week 5 onwards - when strength and power training start to be incorporated - then my weight and measurements should start to change.

So to give you a brief description of what I've been doing training-wise:-

There have been a lot of kettlebell type exercises (swings, snatches, etc.) that I've been doing with dumbbells because, unfortunately, I don't have access to kettlebells, an interval run (YUK! - as you can see from my pictures, I'm not built for speed!), lots of skipping (I don't remember skipping being such hard work when I was in the school playground!) and many circuit-style workouts. It's been hard work but I always feel such a sense of accomplishment when it's over and I'm still upright and able to talk!

This afternoon I'll be doing an hill interval session - it' called the Vomet Comet and I'm looking forward to that like a hole in the head! Tomorrow's session is a circuit style affair including a half manmaker (check it out on You Tube), burpees, a sprint and skipping - I feel knackered just typing it!

The thing to remember with training programs is that your body won't change overnight. If you are trying to lose weight, for instance, you must remind yourself that the Xlbs it is you want to lose didn't just appear overnight - it happened gradually - so it makes sense that it will come off gradually, too.

Also, it's not just about the exercise - one of my fave sayings is:-

You can't exercise away a bad diet and you can't eat yourself fit!

Think about it........

So, I'll be back on a regular basis again, until next time.....


Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hi Everyone!

Have you seen the movie The Secret?

If you have you'll know that it practically became the goal-achievement 'bible' overnight due to it's very simple, yet very powerful message about how you can be, do and have practically anything in life that you want as long as you do one or two key things.

They are:-

1. Think about what you want on a regular basis
2. Think about it positively

That was it really. That was the 'secret' of The Secret!

Now, I'm not knocking this at all, far from it. First off, most people (myself included) can be really unfocused and unclear about what they want and spending some time focusing can be really beneficial, right?

And thinking positive, well, that's just obvious isn't it? After all, going through life with a dark cloud over your head is not really going to help you feel good about even STARTING your goals, let alone achieving them is it?

So I've no real problems with the advice that The Secret shares, it makes sense and, truth be told, thousands of people have already gone on to achieve great things as a result of following this simple advice, but again, there are a lot of people who couldn't seem to make it work for them and are now dismissive of the whole goal achievement 'thing'.

Maybe you're one of them?

I certainly used to be.

I tried thinking positive and holding my goals in my thoughts but still the bills piled up and the same old hassles that were always in my life before were still there so I did what most people would do. I gave up the whole goal-setting thing as a waste of time.

That is until I came across (yet another) goal achievement program that was saying some things that were very different to what I'd been hearing from the 'thoughts become things crowd'.

In fact, this program said that thoughts DON'T become things, but rather, they COULD become things, but not necessarily.

It jokingly explained that if thoughts really did automatically become things then most teenage boys would materialise pretty young girls into their bedrooms. After all, this is what's on their minds most of the time, right? :o)

Sounds funny, I know, but it struck a chord. After all, if thinking clearly of something that's important to you, holding it in your mind and thinking about it a lot works to bring goals to life, then it should work, shouldn't it?

And as to thinking positive.....I'd always been told that thinking positive was a critical step to making your goals come to life, but again in this program I was told that this simply wasn't true. After all, if being positive made your goals come to life you should be able to sit in the middle of a busy road, smile and say "I won't get hit, I won't get hit, I won't get hit" and sure enough, all the traffic will completely miss you.

Not a strategy that I'll be trying! :o)

It all makes sense doesn't it?

The idea that you can't just put on a happy face, think about your goals and have them come to life?

That's what I think, anyway.

So what's the real 'secret' to goal achievement?

Well, basically, it's simply that there isn't one!

At least, not as in one hidden thing that once exposed will bring your goals to life. It's more a case of having a strategy that is proven to work rather than relying on hope or wishful thinking.

So, "What's the strategy?" I hear you ask!

It's coming.....I promise!

In fact, I've persuaded Dax Moy, author of The MAGIC Hundred to spill the beans right here on my blog over the next week so DEFINITELY stay tuned.

Until then.......


Jo Underhill
Fitness & Weight Loss Coach
07966 26 26 07

P.S. Don't forget to leave your own comments about this post. What do YOU think are the not-so-secret secrets to achieving success?

LEGAL STUFF: The Secret(R) is a registered trademark of TS Production LLC.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Hi Everyone!

So, what were you doing 77days ago?

I know, funny question but there is a point, you see, today is day 76 of 2009 which means that 77 days ago you were celebrating New Year’s Eve and, like most people, you were setting up your New Year’s Resolutions and goals.

And look, here we are at day 76 already!

Time goes by quickly, doesn't it?

I’m not just asking you this to be some kind of timekeeper or clockwatcher, rather I wanted to share with you something that I’ve been thinking about a lot this week.

You see, it recently dawned on me that we’re already approaching the end of the first quarter of 2009 and that many of the goals I’d set for myself this year haven’t even been started. In truth, many of them haven’t even been thought about.

It’s not like they’re not important to me. They are, many of them would REALLY change my life for the better if I could bring them to life but, well, I just haven't got around to them.

I bet you’re the same, right?

I bet you have a huge list of things that you KNOW would absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt change your life for the better, yet you haven’t taken a single, solitary action on them, right?

Weird, isn’t it?

For instance in my own life I know that these goals are important to me:-

1. To have a holiday this year because Simon and I haven't had a holiday in 5 years and we REALLY deserve one!

2. To make my business a success because then we have a better chance of having that holiday!

3. To be a comfortable size 12/14 so I'll look good on that beach!

4. To train hard and regularly so I can inspire (hopefully) my clients to do the same.

5. To get rid of my overdraft - no explanation needed!

Most likely you’ve got a list like this too, haven’t you?

For example, what financial goals did you set for yourself on New Year’s Eve?

What about your health goals? I KNOW you had some of those!

How about adventures? We all want to travel more and experience more and I bet you had set some goals in this department, right?

Not to mention relationships, education, family and career goals.

I bet you had a whole load of them, yet where are you with them? That’s not a rhetorical question, I mean it. Where are you with these goals?

Did you achieve them as you said you would?

More to the point, did you even START them?

I know that I didn’t even BEGIN many of the goals I set at the start of the year. I know they’re important to me, I know they’ll change my life in more positive ways than I can even begin to tell you but for some strange reason, I haven’t even begun to chase them yet.

Like I said, weird......

So look, I have this MAD idea!

I want to help you achieve YOUR goals over the course of this year and I want you to keep ME on track. Does that sound like a fair deal?

It starts today.

Tell me what your most important, most pressing goals are and I’ll tell you mine and (hopefully) together we can see 2009 through in great style.

Of course, you could simply ignore this and pass it off as silly but, well, that’ll just mean that the next 76 days are just like the first, and the ones after that, and the ones after that.

I need help to bring my goals to life.

So do you.

So let’s do this!

I got my idea for this email from my friend Dax Moy (you may remember him as the Evil Genius from my MIM Challenge), Author of The MAGIC Hundred.

I’m glad he kicked my butt today :o)

Until next time......


Saturday, March 14, 2009



Weight: 11st 6lb (no change)
Waist: 31" (-.75")
Hips: 42" (no change)

So, here's the first week's results. Not groundbreaking it's true but you have to start somewhere! As you can see from my profile picture, I'm looking pretty bloated and I'm feeling that way, too. I know it's not food related because I'm eating "clean" (basically, I'm following Dax Moy's Elimination Diet) so I think it must be the joys of being a 47-year-old woman!

But what about today's workout I hear you ask......well, more rowing! Short, sharp bursts of rowing interspersed with kettlebell-style exercises, plyometric exercises and body weight exercises - repeated 4 times! I collapsed in a heap at the end, knakcered but VERY happy!

So, on that weary note I'm off to watch a movie in bed (I'll probably be asleep before the opening credits finish!).

Until next time.......


Friday, March 13, 2009


WOW! What an amazing workout week!

Today's workout was called Rower's Hell and consisted of yes, you've guessed it - rowing BUT combined with press ups! Then after a short (2 minute) rest that was followed by an 80% of max effort treadmill run taking the total workout time to 30 minutes.....a couple of times during the run I really thought I was going to have to stop but I dug deep, thought about the other Personal Trainers who are also doing the Storm Force Challenge, gritted my teeth and carried on - and I was soooo pleased with myself for doing it.

I've thoroughly enjoyed all of the sessions - I've learnt some new exercises and been given combinations of exercises that I've never done before. It has been a challenge but - and this is the main thing - I did it! It's really hard to explain what a fantastic feeling it is to achieve something that you didn't think you could do.

For me, it's all about commitment, support and achieving my goals.

The commitment comes from both myself - I've committed to trial this program to the letter so that I can give full and complete feedback - and also from Jon le Tocq of Storm Force Fitness the Evil Genius who devised the program.

The support comes form my fellow Personal Trainers up and down the country who are also trialling Jon's program and from the staff in the gym I train at and my clients who are enjoying seeing me work hard.

My goals - it would be very hard to follow the program if I didn't have my goals and I make sure I read them every day to keep me focused and on track.

So, how about you and your goals? Have you set them yet? Have you started working towards them? Have you tried the circuit?

Let me know how you're doing.

Any questions? Please ask - I really am here to help!

Tomorrow I'll be posting my next set of photos - I'll try to smile this time - and my measurements.

Until then.......


Thursday, March 12, 2009


Completed workout 3 of the first week of the Storm Force Challenge - the 4th and final one of the week is tomorrow - EEEEK!

Currently I feel as if my legs are not only made of jelly but that they actually belong to someone else.....

Today's workout was split into 2 sections, the first being a delightful circuit style affair called Pulse Pyramid Mk1. This little beauty consisted of a total of 6 exercises (involving a lot of jumping) each being performed for 30 seconds, that's not so bad I hear you say - HA! The devilish thing about it is that you start with one exercise, then add the second, then add the third and so on until you're doing all 6 THEN you take the first exercise away, then remove the second and so on until you're back to 1 exercise. It was HELLISH - at one point I thought I was going to pass out! BUT I DIDN'T! I completed it and felt SO pleased with myself.

Unfortunately, it wasn't over yet! I then had to perform a series of swings (an exercise that should really be done with kettlebells but I don't have any so I use dumbbells) with minimal rest between each set......I did it and felt rather hysterical by the end, I honestly didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry or both!

So, until 6:30 tomorrow morning it's all over - I've had a long soak in a wonderful bubble bath and I'm about to drag myself upstairs to bed.

I'll be back tomorrow to tell you about the last workout of the week.

Until then........


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well, as I said on Saturday I did workout 2 - Kettelbell Complex - on Sunday. Man alive! It was tough but SO much fun!

Unfortunately, I don't have access to any kettlebells but all the exercises can be done with dumbbells so that's what I did and do I know about it today!

There was a 5-move circuit which we had to repeat 6 times with only a 45 second rest at the end of each circuit followed by 6 sets of swings and skipping, followed by an ab workout! I was totally exhausted by the end but as happy as a happy thing that's really happy! (Or maybe it was just hysteria?).

Today, however, is another story! I have all sorts of little sore/hot spots all over me - particularly my inner thighs - going up and down stairs is quite an interesting experience......

I spent yesterday and today stetching - one stretching session (more if possible) a week is a requirement of the Storm Force Challenge - and I really needed it.

Workout 3 - made up of 2 delightfully named sessions: Pulse Pyramid Mk 1 and Panic Room Mk 1 - is planned for tomorrow and, strange as it may sound, I'm really rather looking forward to it!
I'll be back (if I'm still standing) to tell you all about it!

Until then.....

P.S. Don't forget to let me know how you're getting on with your S.M.A.R.T. goals and the circuit.

Saturday, March 07, 2009


We're off!

As promised here are my starting photos - I did warn you that they wouldn't be pretty!

My starting measurements are:-
Weight: 11st 6lb
Waist: 31.75"
Hips: 42"

Today's workout was a time trial consisting of running, rowing and burpees and then collapsing in a heap! I can't give any more details than that but I can let you know that my time was 41.49 which isn't brilliant but it can only get better - I hope!

It was hard - especially the running as I've not really been running much at all lately - but strangely enjoyable! I imagine that we will be doing the same time trial at the end of the 12 weeks to see how much we've improved.

I'll be doing the next workout tomorrow.

How about you? Have you set your S.M.A.R.T. goals? I'd love to hear what they are and how you progress with them. Did you try the circuit? How did it go? Let me know what you liked and what you didn't. What are you going to do tomorrow?

Well, that's me for today so until tomorrow.......


Friday, March 06, 2009


So how did you get on with your goal setting?

Do you know what you want?

Do you know when you want it by?

Is it S.M.A.R.T.?

Yesterday I said I'd bring you a workout you can do at home to get you started - or keep you going - toward your health and fitness goals so here you are:-

perform 20 reps of each exercise as quickly as possible moving between exercises as quickly as possible, take at 30-60 second rest after the last exercise and repeat twice more (3 circuits in total) - hands by ears, squat down, stand up and go up onto tip toes
  • PRISONER SQUAT - hands by the ears, elbows out, feet hip distance apart and parallel squat down as if sitting on a low chair, stand up straight, come right up onto tip toes, keep the elbows pulled back - repeat

  • PRESS UP - whichever version is challenging for you, just make sure your form is good

  • ALTERNATE LUNGES - take a big step forward with your right leg, getting left knee as close a possible to the ground, aim to have a right angle at each knee, push back to standing with your right leg - repeat alternating legs

  • TRICEPS DIP - sit on the edge of a dining chair with your hands by your thighs and your fingers over the front edge of the seat, take your weight and drift yourself forward, bend your elbows backwards lowering yourself towards the ground, push back up - repeat

  • SUMO SQUAT - stand with feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing at 10 and 2 on a clock face, keeping as upright as possible bend the knees making sure they go in the same direction as the toes, as you straighten squeeze your butt cheeks together - repeat

  • AB CURL - lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor about 6" from your bottom, hands by your ears, brace your abs (stomach muscles) as if someone was about to punch you, gently curl you head and shoulders up off the floor, release down - repeat

There you go! A nice basic circuit that hits all the major muscle groups and if you do it fast with minimal breaks it will get your heart going, too! If you're not sure about any of the exercises please ask or do a search on You Tube - you'll find them all on there (I will try to do a link to them). Do that every other day and you'll soon start to see a difference. On the in between days get outside for a brisk 30 minute walk - you want to get slightly hot, sweaty and out of breath.

That's it for today - I'll be back tomorrow with my starting photos, measurements and a report on the first workout of my Storm Force Challenge!

As always, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries.

Also, let me know what YOUR goals are and how you progress over the next 12 weeks.

Until tomorrow......


Thursday, March 05, 2009


Hello again!

As you know, I was due to start trialling Jon le Tocq's new exercise program on Monday. Well, I just couldn't wait so I'm starting this Saturday and in order to ensure that I get the best possible results from this 12-week program I need to set some goals.

Goal setting, however, can be tricky - clients often say to me "I'd like to lose some weight" or "I'd like to be slimmer" or "I'd like to be fitter". Now, in themselves there's nothing wrong with these goals but they are vague. What I get my clients to do is to be specific so I ask:-
  • How much weight do they want to lose?
  • How much slimmer do they want to be?
  • How much fitter do they want to be?
and finally:-
  • By when do they want to achieve this?
This is all part of goal setting the "S.M.A.R.T." way. You may have come across this before - and that's because it works! S.M.A.R.T. stands for:-
  • S - specific - decide exactly what it is you want
  • M - measurable - decide how you will monitor your progress
  • A - achievable - can you actually do this?
  • R - realistic - have you taken into account your other responsibilities/commitments?
  • T - timed - when will you achieve this by?
So, my S.M.A.R.T. goals are:-
  • S - to lose 14lb and drop 1 dress size
  • M - yes - from 11st 6lb to 10st 6lb and from a 14/16 to a 12/14
  • A - yes I can - I have the program to follow
  • R - yes it is - I know I have to do 4 workouts per week + 1-2 flexibility sessions and I will diarise these at the beginning of each week
  • T - by May 30, 2009 - that's 12 weeks
So there you have them - my goals for all to see! As you can see, I haven't gone crazy with my goals - the main thing about them is that they are WHAT I WANT.

It's not difficult. Take your time to decide what it is you REALLY want to achieve and work from there. When I had 5+ stone to lose I found it far too daunting to make losing 5 stone my goal. I actually worked on losing 5lb every two weeks. For me it was a S.M.A.R.T. goal that worked because it wasn't too big but big enough for me to notice a difference quickly and, therefore, keep me going.

So let's do this together. Why not GET ON YOUR MARKS, make a 12-week plan and see what you can achieve by May 30, 2009?

I'll be back tomorrow with the first of a series of exercises routines you can do at home.

Until then.......


Tuesday, March 03, 2009


In my first post on this blog you'll have read that I always test diets and exercise programs on myself before I recommend or give the same to my clients or you, and when I find something I like and really believe in I want to share so that everyone can benefit.

Well, this also goes for an amazing skin care range I've been using so I want to tell you all about it.......

It's made by a company called Arbonne - the products are Swiss formulated and produced in the U.S. to the highest of standards. Everything is botanically based, dermatological tested, not tested on animals and vegan - how's all of that for being totally P.C! Arbonne has created various ranges that cover the whole spectrum of skin types from baby skin to mature skin and everything in between. If you use shampoo, soap, cleanser, hand cream, body lotion, shaving lotion - then Arbonne has something for you!

You're probably thinking this is a load of old hype - but using Arbonne has made such a difference to my skin.....I've always had very oily skin so I'm extremely prone to spots and pimples and, given my occupation, when I get hot and sweaty this gets even worse - YUK! - and not very pleasant for my clients to look at when I have to get up close and personal with them! After an initial "settling in period" (which is not unusual when changing skin care) of using the Intelligence range I've not had one single spot, pimple or blemish - even through a very over indulgent Christmas and New Year! Another problem I have - again, due to my occupation - is that I get heat rashes which are SOOOOOO itchy and drive me crazy! To combat this I've been using the Skin Conditioning Oil and my rashes are now almost non-existent which means that I don't wake up in the middle of the night scratching myself to bits - yes, that is as unpleasant as it sounds.....sorry!

What on earth has this got to do with health and fitness? some of you may be asking. Well, as you know, I'm very keen on living a healthy lifestyle and if I'm going to take the time and put in the effort to look after myself by exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water and eating in a clean and healthy way then, in my mind at least, it makes no sense to mess it all up by putting a load of rubbish and chemicals on the outside - I want to be healthy and fit inside and out!

Now, I don't want you to think that I'm hiding anything or trying to be devious so I will be totally up front with you and tell you that yes, I do earn a commission from Arbonne - BUT like anything else I recommend on this blog IF I DIDN'T BELIEVE IN IT 100% I WOULDN'T TELL YOU ABOUT IT!

As you've probably gathered, I get rather excited when I find something new that I like but I can only speak from my own experience - I can't (and wouldn't) force you to do's up to you to make up your own mind. It may be for you, it may not - all I can do is tell you about it and my experience of using it (whatever "it" may be) so you can go and check it out for yourself.

If you are interest and want to find out more, check out the website at: and if you decide that you'd like to try something then please use my Consultant ID: 440001377, to make your order.

OK, excitement over!

Now, off to get on with my flexibility session to be ready for the Storm Force Challenge starting on Monday......EEEEEK!

In the meantime, as usual, if you have any comments, queries or questions about anything health and fitness please do not hesitate to contact me - I'd love to hear from you.

Until next time.......


Monday, March 02, 2009


Watch this space - I'll be back later with some exciting news!

So, here's my exciting news.......

When a Personal Trainer colleague was looking for guinea pigs to trial his new 12-week fat loss and endurance enhancing training and nutrition program, I jumped at the chance!

Jon le Tocq of Storm Force Fitness - check out his website at: - has developed this program to be available via his website but before he launches it he needs to be sure it does what it says on the tin......i.e. it's going to turn me into a PANTHER!

Every Monday, starting from next Monday (March 10th), I will be posting pictures (sorry, they won't be pretty!) and measurements (EEEK!) so that Jon, you and I can keep track of my progress. I will also give you an overview of the program.

The schedule will consist of 4 strength/cv workouts per week and 1 flexibility session. I'm going to take this week to read through the program, become familiar with the warm up routine, ensure that I have everything I need nutrition-wise and work on my flexibility.
This program is going to be a challenge and one that I'm really looking forward to - just because I'm a Personal Trainer doesn't mean that I don't need to be pushed, too!

I'm really excited about this - BRING IT ON!

I'll be back soon so, until then.......