Monday, March 02, 2009


Watch this space - I'll be back later with some exciting news!

So, here's my exciting news.......

When a Personal Trainer colleague was looking for guinea pigs to trial his new 12-week fat loss and endurance enhancing training and nutrition program, I jumped at the chance!

Jon le Tocq of Storm Force Fitness - check out his website at: - has developed this program to be available via his website but before he launches it he needs to be sure it does what it says on the tin......i.e. it's going to turn me into a PANTHER!

Every Monday, starting from next Monday (March 10th), I will be posting pictures (sorry, they won't be pretty!) and measurements (EEEK!) so that Jon, you and I can keep track of my progress. I will also give you an overview of the program.

The schedule will consist of 4 strength/cv workouts per week and 1 flexibility session. I'm going to take this week to read through the program, become familiar with the warm up routine, ensure that I have everything I need nutrition-wise and work on my flexibility.
This program is going to be a challenge and one that I'm really looking forward to - just because I'm a Personal Trainer doesn't mean that I don't need to be pushed, too!

I'm really excited about this - BRING IT ON!

I'll be back soon so, until then.......


1 comment:

FitterFaster said...

Hi Jo I cant wait to get this thing happening. Hopefully this comment will work.
Goodluck with your 12 week program. Have you done the first workout yet?
