Tuesday, March 03, 2009


In my first post on this blog you'll have read that I always test diets and exercise programs on myself before I recommend or give the same to my clients or you, and when I find something I like and really believe in I want to share so that everyone can benefit.

Well, this also goes for an amazing skin care range I've been using so I want to tell you all about it.......

It's made by a company called Arbonne - the products are Swiss formulated and produced in the U.S. to the highest of standards. Everything is botanically based, dermatological tested, not tested on animals and vegan - how's all of that for being totally P.C! Arbonne has created various ranges that cover the whole spectrum of skin types from baby skin to mature skin and everything in between. If you use shampoo, soap, cleanser, hand cream, body lotion, shaving lotion - then Arbonne has something for you!

You're probably thinking this is a load of old hype - but using Arbonne has made such a difference to my skin.....I've always had very oily skin so I'm extremely prone to spots and pimples and, given my occupation, when I get hot and sweaty this gets even worse - YUK! - and not very pleasant for my clients to look at when I have to get up close and personal with them! After an initial "settling in period" (which is not unusual when changing skin care) of using the Intelligence range I've not had one single spot, pimple or blemish - even through a very over indulgent Christmas and New Year! Another problem I have - again, due to my occupation - is that I get heat rashes which are SOOOOOO itchy and drive me crazy! To combat this I've been using the Skin Conditioning Oil and my rashes are now almost non-existent which means that I don't wake up in the middle of the night scratching myself to bits - yes, that is as unpleasant as it sounds.....sorry!

What on earth has this got to do with health and fitness? some of you may be asking. Well, as you know, I'm very keen on living a healthy lifestyle and if I'm going to take the time and put in the effort to look after myself by exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water and eating in a clean and healthy way then, in my mind at least, it makes no sense to mess it all up by putting a load of rubbish and chemicals on the outside - I want to be healthy and fit inside and out!

Now, I don't want you to think that I'm hiding anything or trying to be devious so I will be totally up front with you and tell you that yes, I do earn a commission from Arbonne - BUT like anything else I recommend on this blog IF I DIDN'T BELIEVE IN IT 100% I WOULDN'T TELL YOU ABOUT IT!

As you've probably gathered, I get rather excited when I find something new that I like but I can only speak from my own experience - I can't (and wouldn't) force you to do anything....it's up to you to make up your own mind. It may be for you, it may not - all I can do is tell you about it and my experience of using it (whatever "it" may be) so you can go and check it out for yourself.

If you are interest and want to find out more, check out the website at: http://www.arbonne.com/ and if you decide that you'd like to try something then please use my Consultant ID: 440001377, to make your order.

OK, excitement over!

Now, off to get on with my flexibility session to be ready for the Storm Force Challenge starting on Monday......EEEEEK!

In the meantime, as usual, if you have any comments, queries or questions about anything health and fitness please do not hesitate to contact me - I'd love to hear from you.

Until next time.......


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