Saturday, March 07, 2009


We're off!

As promised here are my starting photos - I did warn you that they wouldn't be pretty!

My starting measurements are:-
Weight: 11st 6lb
Waist: 31.75"
Hips: 42"

Today's workout was a time trial consisting of running, rowing and burpees and then collapsing in a heap! I can't give any more details than that but I can let you know that my time was 41.49 which isn't brilliant but it can only get better - I hope!

It was hard - especially the running as I've not really been running much at all lately - but strangely enjoyable! I imagine that we will be doing the same time trial at the end of the 12 weeks to see how much we've improved.

I'll be doing the next workout tomorrow.

How about you? Have you set your S.M.A.R.T. goals? I'd love to hear what they are and how you progress with them. Did you try the circuit? How did it go? Let me know what you liked and what you didn't. What are you going to do tomorrow?

Well, that's me for today so until tomorrow.......



Anonymous said...

Hey Jo,

Like the slippers on the radiator!

Started my detox today and I'm so hungry I could just eat those slippers right now!!

K x

Jo said...

Hi Karen!

Have to dry my slippers somewhere and it keeps them toasty for the next time I wear them!

Good luck with the detox - keep me posted.
